Returns and claims

Returns & claims

Here you will find some of the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding returns and claims.

Unfortunately, sometimes a package is damaged during shipping. If this is the case, we will assist you as quick as possible to make sure you receive a new order. Please contact us by clicking here.

You need the following information for your claim:
– Email address that you used when placing the order 
– Order number 
– Customer name 
– Photo of damaged or incorrect item. 
– Photo of your package and the shipping label, if possible

When placing an order with, you are always covered by our 30-day return policy. This means that you have the right to cancel your purchase by contacting us within 30 days of you or your delivery service taking delivery of your order. Our return and exchange policy is not valid for personalized posters.

If you wish to return your order, please contact os here.

Yes, the customer pays for the return.

Unfortunately, we can’t make changes to an existing order, but if you contact us as soon as possible, we may be able to cancel the order before it leaves our production facilities. Then, after the order has been cancelled, you can go back in and place a new order with the correct items. This way, you can avoid being billed for two orders.

If you wish to cancel your order before it leaves our warehouse please call us immediately. However, we can’t guarantee that we’ll have enough time to cancel your order, as our packing/shipping department prides itself on getting products heading our customers’ way quickly. If you placed your order during the weekend or after business hours, please send us an email.

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